Category: Cosmic Roots & Eldritch Shores

Share the News

Have some good news? An interesting site to suggest? Here's the place to let everyone know.

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OpenMic Challenge 5 for 5: Eros

Your challenge is to write a poem of any kind, from sonnet to free verse, of 19 lines or less, or a flash fiction story of less than 300 words around: Eros, the most beautiful of the Primordial Gods Golden-Winged Eros, Child of Primordial Night Son of Aphrodite and Ares, Archer of Love and Hate The Truth About St. Valentine A Valentine for Someone Real, Imaginary, or Status Unknown


Reviews & Recommendations

This is the place to find out about, review, recommend, good books, stories, movies, artwork

Reviews & Recommendations


Review of Dominion

a New Book review   Dominion An Anthology of Speculative Fiction from Africa and the African...

Synergistic Stories

Take a turn adding to the group story, here for everyone to read, write, and comment on.
We'll have artwork to inspire the storytelling.
Please number your section of the story, e.g., if the last section written was #20, number yours #21.

Synergistic Stories


Group Story-Telling

A story told by as many people as would like to join in. Be respectful of what others add, keep it...

Cosmic Roots & Eldritch Shores

Science fiction, fantasy, myths, legends, fairy tales, and eldritch stories, articles, interviews and podcasts.

Cosmic Roots & Eldritch Shores


Life in the Time of the Pandemic

Here's a place to share ways and information to help each other get through this time, to keep creating and living, a place to share thoughts, worries, frustrations, experiences.

We can't hold hands now, but we can think about the time when we will again.

Life in the Time of the Pandemic


Staff/Writer/Reader Interface

This is the place to meet, ask questions, discuss wild and crazy ideas and projects, and make suggestions. Enjoy!

Staff/Writer/Reader Interface


  The Critiqued Story Place

Where staff offers writer-requested critiques of stories from our submissions rounds.  Critiques for writers’ benefit only - this does not constitute publication.

Critiqued Stories


Subscribe to Cosmic Roots & Eldritch Shores

For great stories, interviews, reviews, podcasts, and artwork —

Subscribe to Cosmic Roots & Eldritch Shores


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